Uniforms can be purchased via PlayHQ via the following link
Uniform link
PlayHQ will take you through your previous registration information.
Please continue until you reach the Uniform page and order as required.
Once your order has been placed, our Uniform Convenor, Deb will be in touch to arrange collection.
If an item/size is not available via PlayHQ, you will be able to place your order via our online store at Valour Sport (www.valoursport.com.au).
Uniform link
PlayHQ will take you through your previous registration information.
Please continue until you reach the Uniform page and order as required.
Once your order has been placed, our Uniform Convenor, Deb will be in touch to arrange collection.
If an item/size is not available via PlayHQ, you will be able to place your order via our online store at Valour Sport (www.valoursport.com.au).
Woolwich Uniform Options
Club Colours: Junior navy with mid blue and yellow trim
Woolwich netball socks are no longer required as part of the Woolwich uniform.
Plain white quarter/crew socks are to be worn as part of the uniform. No ankles socks please.
These can be purchased from external retailers.
Woolwich netball socks are no longer required as part of the Woolwich uniform.
Plain white quarter/crew socks are to be worn as part of the uniform. No ankles socks please.
These can be purchased from external retailers.